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So, what’s a Win Win Client

This post was last updated by José of onez on Monday, 10 March 2025.

A Win-Win client means a client we feel happy giving to. Because not all clients are the same, not all clients are treated the same!
Let’s put it this way: If a client has a lifetime value of XX,XXX and another has only XXX, but I need to invest a minimum of XXXX in time and resources for each… Ok, maths, I got it. The XX,XXX client needs special treatment—starting with the fact that they make our team work happier... allowing us to focus on developing more productive revenue for the Win-Win client!

And… because the most important thing in life is time… and time… we need clients who respect our most valuable asset. That way, with what we earn, we can buy more time—time to do what matters most with the time we have left!

For ONEZ, Win-Win Client is someone who focuses on creating long-term profit and understands that keeping suppliers motivated leads to getting more value than what they paid for—regardless of the amount. When working with humans, we need to recognize that there’s always an “emotional brain inside” influencing decisions on the outside!

At ONEZ, we believe life should be lived with a win-win philosophy—with Win-Win Clients, Win-Win People, a Win-Win Team, Win-Win Projects, and, most importantly, Win-Win Friends.

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