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Understanding Onez for all

This post was last updated by José of onez on Monday, 10 March 2025.

  1. First of all, this site is meant to be simpleand all posts, articles, or any other content and functions on Onez are dynamic. This means that no information is static. Like a tree, every article on this site comes from a seed, a thought, an idea… So, every post can and will be revised multiple times until perfection is targeted (because I believe that there is no such thing as perfection; posts will be a never-ending story…)
  2. In the articles, you’ll find some “underlined blue and purple” words or phrases… These are links to other articles. If they are “underlined blue“, it means that you have not opened that page recently. If they are “underlined purple“, it means that you have read that page recently… (why blue and purple? – Because they are the old-school default colors for hyperlinks in intermet HTML websites from the 90s, back when no CSS styling was applied to them. That was the way we knew if we had already visited a page or not.).
    Oh, and if the links have a on the right, means they will take you to an external page outside
  3. Because this website is my personal blog, it will have a very informal writing tone. I try to write to you as if you were my friend… I’m also writing to myself!
  4. Onez is a personal blog of a professional web developer, developed with WordPress. So, it’s normal that it will also be used as a testing ground for new functions, new styles, new technologies, and sometimes different web designs…
  5. Some parts are private. Some are private because they still haven’t been finished, others because they may be sensitive for some people. These sections are sometimes password protected.
  6. For now, my Onez personal blog has a homepage, a blog page, and multiple posts. In the posts, you’ll find breadcrumbs at the top, indicating which category the post belongs to. The main category is “blog” There, you’ll find all the posts.
  7. If for some reason you get blocked with an error page, it’s because you’ve been up to something not permitted. It will take a few hours until you’re able to access again. No soup for you!
  8. This site is built to be fast. Don’t let it run away from you!

If you have any other questions, please send them to info…, and we will answer as soon as possible (usually in less than 30 minutes… Sometimes even faster)

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